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Tips for New Sports Writers (Critical Analysis Activity #3)

Tips for Rookie Sports Writers


Know the game SUMMARY You never know which sport you might have to end up covering. Make sure to do research so you have basic knowledge of the game and details about the players.


Befriend the media relations staff

SUMMARY Keeping in contact with the staff can get you in a better spot. Can be easier to schedule interviews, or to get better seats for the game. TIP

Navigate the post-match press conference like a pro

SUMMARY Sit as close as you can to the front so you have an opportunity to ask a question. Be unique, and try to dig deep for a good answer.


Find your angle SUMMARY Don’t just look at the stats after the game, keep track of them throughout. This can show a better story, showing the ups and downs and emotions of the game.


Speak the language of action SUMMARY Keep an expanded vocabulary. Be detailed, but don’t overreach. Avoid using the common phrases that most writers would use.

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